september 7, 2009 started right prague for free
february 14, 2010 announces a competition for the best photo bio-fireplace interior
send your photo via e-mail or the form below. each month we will draw a winner who will receive 10 liters of bio-ethanol and permanent 5% discount for purchase in our e-shop. also, photos will be added to the appropriate section in the photo gallery.
march 24, 2010 catalog download here
05/05/2012 extended network of pump sites in cooperation with
now you can personally pick up the goods ordered network of dispensing sites shipping is increased by an amount of 59,-czk due to the additional handling. the network is constantly expanding. once the goods arrive at the office you will receive an sms message.
our offices
prague 4
5th may 1109/63 praha 4, 140 00
phone: +420774407014 e-mail:
opening hours: mon - fri: 11:00 - 19:00
prague 9
kolbenova 931/40b, praha 9, post code 190 00
phone: +420774407013 e-mail:
opening hours: mon - fri: 8:00 to 8:00 p.m. 8:00 to 12:00 pm
václavská 237/6, brno - city, postal code 602 00
phone: +420774407016 e-mail:
opening hours: mon - fri: 11:00 - 19:00
brno 2
černopolní 54/245, brno - black box, postal code 613 00
phone: +420774407017 e-mail:
opening hours: mon - fri: 11:00 - 19:00
chopin 483/8, ostrava - ferry, 702 00
phone: +420774407018 e-mail:
opening hours: mon - fri: 11:00 - 19:00
hradec králové
prague class 293, hradec králové, postal code 500 04
phone: +420774407020 e-mail:
opening hours: mon - fri: 11:00 - 19:00
wellnerova 1322/3c, olomouc - new street, postal code 779 00
phone: +420774407019 e-mail:
opening hours: mon - fri: 11:00 - 19:00
factory 280/7, plzeň - city, postal code 301 00
phone: +420774407021 e-mail:
opening hours: mon - fri: 11:00 - 19:00
croatia 1, bratislava - sk, 811 07
phone: +421917963724 e-mail:
opening hours: mon - fri: 11:00 - 19:00
05.07.2012 shiny lava rocks now sell in half pack for half price
due to frequent demands for smaller packaging sad lava stones, we decided to sell half packs for half price. this amount is sufficient in most cases for small and medium-sized bio-fireplaces.
december 1, 2012 queue for ulozence
due to the christmas period can be delayed in queues for dispensing goods ulozence - heureka point from 30 minutes to one hour. therefore doporučujime choose other means of transport.
21 december 2012 xml feed and ean codes
we ask all wholesale ean code to add to your site to our products. the codes can be found in the product section of each item or your xml feed. we remind you that you have the xml feed us with the full range, including a picture and a combination product with daily updates. if you do not have access to the feed, please ask about it emajl.
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